Principal Dentists
BDS (Lon 1996) MFDSRCPS (Glasg 1999) MSc Implant Dent (Warwick 2008) PG Cert Med & Dent Ed (Beds 2010) FHEA (2010) FICOI (2011) FIADFE (2014) Dip. Rest. Dent (Lon 2015)
GDC No. 72427
If an implant has a screw-thread on its outer surface it can be screwed intoposition and if it does not, it is usually tapped into place. The main aim during installation of any implant is to achieve immediate close contact with the surrounding bone. This creates an initial stability, which over time is steadily enhanced by further growth of bone into microscopic roughnesses on the implant surface.
In order to support replacement teeth, dental implants normally have some form of internal screw thread or post space that allows a variety of components to be fitted. Once fitted, these components provide the foundation for long-term support of crowns, bridges or dentures. Click here for illustrated information.
229a Woodhouse Road, London N12 9BD
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020 836 89229